Monday, March 21, 2011

I Feel Like Oprah

I want to comment on the issue on psychology in general and one book in particular, but I am both limited on time this evening and there is more than can really fit into one reasonable length blog post. So, I think I will write this in two parts, and, to make it much more exciting, I will write it backward. So, for tomorrow, a discussion on psychology and Christianity and, for tonight, an encouragement to read the book, "The Wisdom of the Enneagram", and to use it for the enrichment of your relationships.

I know a number of you are familiar with the concept of the enneagram and my thanks to one of you in particular who introduced it to me seven years ago. For those who are not, the basic concept is that there are nine primary personality profiles. Each of those types can lean more toward one of the adjacent numbers and each type also has three different instinctual variants.

The first step in reading the book is to read through the testing portion to determine where you fall in general terms. From there you can read more to determine the sub types that may apply to you. After that there is a great deal of information regarding the typical things that are your strengths, weaknesses, joys, fears, etc.. There is also a lot of information on the spiritual components that affect, develop, and challenge each type. Finally, there is commentary on the healthy expression of your type and on the warning signs for unhealthy behavior.

The thing I like the best about the book is that it includes that strong spiritual component and marries fairly traditional psychology with historic spirituality. However, I will say what I always do when I recommend this book; make it prove it's worth. Read the introductory information. Take the tests (I highly recommend taking it with someone who knows you well as most people, in my experience, mis-place themselves). Read the basic overviews of your type. If, by that time, you have not been duly impressed with the accuracy and insight of the authors knowledge, stop and sell the book on Ebay. Also, let me know as you will be the first one I know who finds it of dubious value.

It is important to know ourselves, and this book can really provide excellent information. However, that is not the primary reason I recommend it. Again I'll go back to the basics and, in Christianity, it's all about relationship. Here is where the book really provides a blessing. The effort you put into learning about other people in your circle of family and friends and discovering what really motivates them, what fears they have, what their blind spots are, etc... will allow you to relate to them and love them in a much more complete way. It is an excellent tool to develop your ability to more completely relate to those in your life and to be a blessing to them.

Two final things; first, in regard to my last paragraph, do not try to determine someone else's type. Incorporate them into the process and use their input to help them determine their type. It's not a parlor game but a tool for deeper relationships. Finally, be ready for change. If typical, you will experience real change in your own understanding of the dynamics in your own life. If you follow my advice to use it to better understand others, you will experience dramatic change in how you view and treat them. I know for me, once I knew better what made my family members tick, some of the things I had done needed to be completely discontinued and the polar opposite instituted. Fortunately, grace is abundant and blessings symbiotic.

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